Leader-in-Training Program - "Train the Trainer"


We'll show you how.

Join us (in person) for a complete walkthrough of our LIT curriculum from start to finish,  
plus lifetime access to all the materials you need to run it!

    What is the LIT PROGRAM?

    The Rec Gym Pros LIT Program is a 7 week leadership training curriculum for teens between 13-16 years old.

    Typically, participants join the LIT program because they have expressed interest in growing as a leader and working towards becoming a gymnastics coach. 

    The goal of Rec Gym Pros' LIT Program is to help participants develop leadership skills that they can use, not just as a coach, but also throughout their lives to help others (and themselves) identify and achieve goals. Also, to help them learn how to effectively lead children.

    To achieve the above goal, this curriculum is designed to:

    1.  Figure out what good leaders SAY and DO.
    2.  Give opportunities to PRACTICE saying and doing these things.
    3.  Have FUN while we are at it!

    Throughout our LIT Program, we set participants up for future success as coaches.  This includes an 8-12 hour volunteering component that compliments our "in-class" learning.   In-class content includes topics like:

    • safety
    • respect & professionalism
    • communication
    • learning styles
    • presenting skills
    • motivating & managing kids

    This program is designed to be interactive. It's intentional, practical and hands-on - no snooze-fest lessons here!

    We recommend setting the LIT program up as a pre-employment experience.  This means that participants pay a fee to sign up. Completing the LIT program guarantees participants an interview, but not a job


    First of all - the LIT program gives incredible value for the teens in your community.
    Whether or not they even end up coaching for you, LIT will teach skills and give them experience that will translate to any future leadership opportunities in life. 

    Now just take a minute to consider how it can help YOU: the person who does all the recruiting, hiring & onboarding!

    First of all - LIT creates an pipeline for new junior coaches.   
    And it's predictable.
    Let's say you run the course twice a year for 10 teens each time.  That's 20 applicants in one year! 
    When was the last time you got that many applicants?
    Even if you only hire 50% of them, that's still 10 new quality coaches. 

    Speaking of quality...  these applicants are pre-trained. 
    They already have a strong foundation of leadership because you taught it to them. 
    When you do hire them, you don't have to start from scratch - so it makes onboarding so much easier. 

    The trickle effect from the LIT program extends into so many other things...
    - better staff retention
    - ability to open more classes sooner
    - no more desperate hires that mess with your culture
    - less time spent constantly recruiting
    - more time spent moving your program forward.   

    And my 2 fav benefits: 
    - your staff team will be on the same page (speaking the same language & on board with your culture)
    - your staff cycle will eventually start to replenish itself, so when older coaches leave there is always the next "crop" coming up right behind them

    In the long run - it will save you time, energy and resources... and maybe your sanity, too! ;)


    We want to help other people implement our LIT program in their clubs!   
    "Train the Trainer" is a complete walkthrough of the program curriculum so that you can run it on your own.

    What's included?

    • Hands on instruction of the program from start to finish
      • first hand knowledge of how the program should look/sound/feel
      • clear understanding of the intention behind each activity
      • facilitation techniques that work with teens
      • tips & tricks to engage the participants

    • Access to a digital library that includes:
      • Facilitator guide to deliver the entire program
      • Participant workbook
      • Bonus modules
      • Bonus resources & tools (for participants & facilitator)
      • Checklists
      • Pre & post program email templates
      • Evaluations + feedback forms

    • Access to 1:1 support from Rec Gym Pros as you plan and deliver your first program

    • Connecting with fellow Train the Trainer participants starting their own LIT programs too
      • Access to our private small group chat for ongoing support


      We just wrapped up our most recent one-day LIT Train the Trainer course as an add-on to our annual Refresh Rec Retreat.  If there is enough demand/interest, we'll consider running another one in the Fall of 2023!   Be sure to hop on the waitlist below.


      Enter your email here to join the waitlist and we'll keep you posted about upcoming courses. 


      Send me an email:  ali@recgympros.com

      11 Modules

      02 - The Big Picture

      A big picture looks at what the Leader-In-Training Program is all about!

      03 - Design your LIT Foundation

      Before anything else, you need to have these details hammered out.  Getting clear here will help you with promotion, program planning and registration down the road.

      04 - Pre-Program Preparation

      Now that your foundation is set, it's time to get ready for your upcoming LIT program!  Step behind the scenes for more info on recruiting, getting teens on "the list",  communicating with incoming participants and prepping all the materials. 

      Modules for this product 11
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